What is This 'Sublime Text 2' Hullaballo? 2012-06-27 With the release of Sublime Text 2.0 here in the last few days, I thought that now would be an appropriate time to write out my reasons for why I won't switch to Sublime Text. I have a few co-workers who use Sublime Text. This means that my exposure to ST is limited to watching people who do the same things that I do use it; So comparing my workflow with theirs, I am flabbergasted that they swear by ST. Minimap ------- When I watch these guys hack away in ST, the first cool feature that I see is the minimap of the current file. This is a sweet feature - the bird's eye view of a large file can be extremely helpful at times. However, this feature doesn't sell me on ST. I have minimaps of files in Emacs using minimap.el. After adding the Emacs Lisp file to your load-path, it is three simple lines of Elisp to bind the 'minimap-create' and 'minimap-kill' to any key combo that you want. Quick Step Next --------------- This feature is really cool and has the potential to save you lots of time. However, its inclusion in Sublime Text 2.0 is not the first instance this ability existing. I can do the same thing, editing multiple lines simultaneously, using the rectangle commands built into Emacs (C-x r other_keys). Conclusion ---------- Everybody has their editor of choice that has the feature set that they are looking for. My choice of editor is Emacs, and I have yet to see a reason to leave Emacs for any other editor. Addendum -------- Additionally, Emacs has a terminal editor, a text-based web browser, and an email client that come with it. I don't have to mentally or physically leave Emacs (or my beloved key bindings) all day - I am sure that this increases my productivity by some non-trivial amount. [0] http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/MiniMap