Using the FirefoxOS Flame 2014-10-03 I have been using a Firefox OS Flame developer reference phone as my daily driver for a couple of weeks now. I thought that it would be a good time to publish my thoughts on the hardware and software, and also comment on my first few days of developing for FirefoxOS. I first started using Firefox OS way back when the ZTE Open[0] became available in early 2013. I fell in love with the idea of Firefox OS, most likely because it was so in step with my "compute free or die" attitude (if you sidestep the issue of mobile phones having proprietary media codecs and proprietary baseband systems). Sadly, the ZTE-Open was only my daily driver phone for a week or two because the hardware/software (Firefox OS v1.0) required too much handholding for me at the time. I was missing important calls/texts/emails due to software bugs and hard resets, and for quite a while I had a notification that I could never clear and a notification tray that I could not open. Because of that, the ZTE-Open got regulated to a shelf in my shop where I would occasionally pull it out and putter around developing for it, but it never made it back into my pocket for longer than a week or so. I did talk to Bob Call[1] who was also using a ZTE-Open, but he didn't seem to have the same issues that I was (probably because he is used to working on things like the ZTE-Open) I saw the announcement of the Flame developer reference phone, but didn't pre-order one because of my experience with the ZTE-Open. It was only after I heard Christian Heilmann[2] speak at IoTCon 2014 in Berlin, Germany (I attended both of his talks) that I decided to get a Flame phone. Christian's first talk was about the "Mobile Web" and how it can be a common platform across many devices. His second talk was specifically about Firefox OS and its current state. I was once again hooked. I ordered a Flame phone the day that I got home, and have been using and abusing it since it arrived a few days later. My Flame came with Firefox OS v1.3 on it. The improvements over v1.2 (which I was able to compile and flash onto the ZTE-Open myself) were phenomenal. I wasn't missing calls, texts, or emails and with the exception of a PumpIO client, there were apps for everything that I wanted. The Flame replaced a Nexus 5 and met the standard of reliablity that the Nexus had set. My wife started using the Nexus 5, so now I had to be careful about hacking too deep on the Flame because there was no going back. The Software ------------ I flashed the Firefox OS v2.0 base image later that first week and was once again blown away by the software. In v2.0, the homescreen scrolls vertically and scrolling horizontally switches between open apps. Just as the change from iOS to Android made me love the paradigm of the back button (I know, I used to be an iOS guy), this switch to the crazy Firefox OS scrolling has me convinced that it is a better user experience. The only part of this new scrolling experience that still strikes me as weird is that when browsing the internet, opening a link in a new tab both creates the new tab as a new horizontal scrolling target and pushes me to it. I don't mind the new scrolling target, but I wish that there was an option to not automatically navigate me to the new tab (there may be, but I haven't found it). I then flashed a nightly build and set the phone to do OTA updates from the nightly build tree. This was pretty scary for the first few days since I had no other phone to fall back to (other than the ZTE-Open of course) but now I sleep easy knowing that the morning's update will be just fine. The only outstanding software issue that is really annoying is that sometimes when I receive a call, when I answer the call the vibration and ringing stop. But then as soon as I hang up (1 or 30 minutes later) the phone keeps vibrating as if I am receiving a call. Everything else works just fine at these times - I can use apps, send texts, whatever, but the phone is just constantly vibrating. Putting the phone to sleep doesn't stop the vibration, but restarting it does. This doesn't happen every call, maybe only about one in seven, but it still pretty annoying. The Hardware ------------ The ZTE-Open hardware always felt cheat to me. The Flame is billed as[3] "representative of the mid-tier phone hardware Mozilla and its partners are targeting over the coming year". I think that if the Flame is "mid-tier" I think that if there is ever a "high-end" device, it it going to blow the competition out of the water. The phone has enough weight to it that it doesn't feel cheap and skimpy. I have never seen it get bogged down and sluggish and it has weathered many tumbles off of my workbench without so much as a scratch. The back of the case is a smooth rubber-ish/matte material that seems to attract sawdust, pocket lint, and dust, but it may just be that I am often covered in those things myself.
The screen is a 4.5in screen (FWVGA 854×480 pixels) and is quite useable in direct sunlight. The screen also feels very responsive to touch events with is a wonderful improvement over the ZTE-Open where I often felt like I had to really press hard to get events to register. The Development Ecosystem ------------------------- I haven't made any Firefox OS apps that are more than a few steps above trivial, but I really like the ecosystem. The App Manager[4] is very impressive. It uses adb to connect to the Flame and provides a nice place to modify the app's manifest, install the app on the phone, and debug the app on the phone. The App Manager is being replaced with the WebIDE from Firefox 34 on, but as I only use GNU Icecat and Debian Iceweasel, I haven't tried it out yet. Because Firefox OS apps are just HTML5 apps, developers are free to use whatever tooling they so choose. And because apps are just JS, CSS, and some HTML, any tool set is very easy to set up. Personally I use Emacs + Grunt as my web development tool set. Granted, I use Emacs + whatever as my tool set for any development. Mozilla has a bunch of reference apps[5] where you can see various techniques for using the web API present in Firefox OS, and there is a decent tutorial[6] if reading code doesn't do much for you. I have begun work on a non-trivial open web app that I intend on running (and using) on my Flame phone - an HTML5 Emacs clone. So far, it is going well and I will surely humblebrag/post about it once it has a minimal feature set. I am sure that I will also have a post specifically about developing for Firefox OS. Final Thoughts -------------- Do I like the Flame? Yes Knowing what I know now, would I get one again? Yes Would I reccomend that others get one? Eh, maybe. If you aren't getting a Flame to hack on, then it would behoove you to look at the Firefox Marketplace and see if there are apps there for everything that you want. I really like the Flame, and barring any catastrophes, I expect that it will be my daily drive phone for a long long time. [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]