Switched to Colemak 2013-12-3 As the title reads, I have switched to the Colemak keyboard layout on all of my devices. I switched mainly due to wanting to help alleviate some of the strain that I feel in my hands after a long day coding. I chose Colemak over Dvorak mainly due the similarity that Colemak and Qwerty have - I assumed that this would help the transition go more smoothly. Progress -------- I decided to switch cold-turkey as I thought that doing a part time switch would be less than ideal since I spend most of my day in front of a computer. Today is day two and I can already see improvment from yesterday. According to 'gtypist' my typing has gone from 180 WPM with 98% accuracy using Qwerty to 25 WPM with 85% accuracy using Colemak. Clearly there is a ton of room for improvement!! Other Notes ----------- I have also noticed that due to my slowed speed, I am being much more thoughtful of what I say. Maybe this trend of thinking before speaking will remain once my speed gets back to a reasonable rate.