Moving On to Other Projects 2013-10-23 A week ago today, I gave my notice at Barracuda Networks where I have been employed for the last seventeen months; My last day hacking on[0] will be this Friday. I am leaving Copy for one reason: The role that I had there was not one that would keep me happy, feeling fulfilled, and be constantly forcing me to improve my craft. Hacking on Copy has been a by-and-large positive experience. In my tenure there I honed my skills and learned how to operate in a corporate environment (something that I had never experienced before). I really do think that Copy is a great product and the people working on it are incredible - I see big things in Copy's future and I am kind of sad that I will miss out on experiencing them firsthand. When I started working on the Copy web app, it was very very barebones. I helped flesh out its initial feature set, and then worked on implementing new features and participated in the team growing and growing. I think that I was number seven-ish on the Copy team, and am leaving a team of twenty nine not counting myself. The Copy account that I created on my first day has a user id in the tens of thousands (lots of early test accounts I guess) and now Copy has over two million active users. I will miss my Copy coworkers, and I wish them well. I plan on focusing on getting the projects in my idea list implemented, so look for those to appear on Github[1] and/or my personal site[2]. To the Copy folks that may end up seeing this, I have only this to say: So long, and thanks for all the fish. [0] [1] [2]